185 Butterfield Street, Herston, 4006
(07) 3252 3732

Ballymore Kindy is a small inner north Brisbane, not-for-profit community kindergarten offering a kindergarten program for children aged 3½ to 4½. At Ballymore Kindy your child can enjoy learning, playing and growing with the same group of children led by the same teachers all day, every kindy day. We are committed to the value of play in children's learning and development and our curriculum is designed to help children develop strong foundation skills for lifelong living and learning, as well as ease their transition into Prep.

We are proud to be affiliated with The Gowrie (Qld) Inc, a non-profit, early childhood organisation which has been a leader in providing early childhood programs for more than 70 years. Visit the Gowrie (Qld) Inc. website here.

Children’s experiences are informed and supported by the Federal Government’s “Belonging, Being and Becoming” Early Years learning framework for Australia. Ballymore Kindy has been assessed as 'Exceeding National Quality Standards'.


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